This Thing Called New Year Resolutions

Enaite Sandra Ede-Agege
4 min readJan 2, 2021

Well hello! I’m so glad you’re here. Congratulations on making it to 2021🎉🎉 I wish you a Happy New year.

This week I have some thoughts on resolutions, as usual, its that time of the year where we whip out pens and papers to put down things we will and will not be doing in a new year. 2020 was a tough year for all of us, and I get that you might want to kick the idea of having a new year resolution out the window. But one way you can celebrate the passing of the disaster of last year and celebrate what is to come for the new year is to write out a few goals for 2021.

I know you have had resolution lists before, the ones with all the complicated diet plans, travel plans, and sincere intentions to do your best and make new healthy habits. Those tend to make you feel overwhelmed, and by mid-January, you are ready to get back to the same old, same old. But change does not have to come all at once, and we should remind ourselves that the aim is progress, not perfection.

About a year ago I realized that New year resolutions should serve a purpose for them to be relevant enough to be kept, and before we make one we need to evaluate ourselves.

I recommend asking yourself Questions like;

  • How is my overall well-being? Am I in the state of mind and mood to create a new year resolution?
  • Are you operating from a place of restriction, or abundance?
  • Does this resolution involve taking away things I love?
  • What goal am I trying to achieve with this resolution?
  • How will this resolution impact you five, 10, or 15 years from now?

5 Ways to Follow-Through on Your New Year Resolutions This Year

Are you serious about achieving your goals this year? here are five ways to help you follow-through on your New Year resolutions.


It is important to reflect before you dive into setting your resolutions. Self-reflection is taking a step back and reflecting on your life, behavior, and beliefs. It is a valuable and powerful practice. You may have heard the saying;

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting different results”- Albert Einstein

This year, to stick to your resolutions, take a step back, and reflect on what is working and what is not. Identify what to keep and what needs to go. Seek to understand yourself at a deeper level and identify what might get in the way.


The fastest way to fall short of your goal is to make your goal too vague and unattainable. For example, resolving to NEVER eat your favorite food again is setting you up to fail. Instead, strive for an attainable goal, such as avoiding it more often than you do now.


There are tons of different articles, tons of advice about how to set your resolutions. You have to find what process works best for you, While we have similar human needs and goals, we also have different innate wiring, which means what works for someone else may not work for you. Think about what you know about yourself and ensure you apply it as you think about strategies.


It does not matter how SMART your goals are, Your mindset and beliefs override everything. Most of our problems are internal, and so are the solutions. Following through on your resolutions is more about your mindset, beliefs, and identity than anything else.

“If you think you can then you can”- Stephen Richards


One reason why we either write down or think of New Year resolutions is that we desire a change. whatever goals you put down for the New year is for your personal growth and development. Take control and be intentional with your goals in other for you to grow.

Do not let another year go bye filled with regret for what you wish you had done. This year is going to be amazing because you are going to make efforts to make it that way. I know you can do it.

It’s a new YEAR, Take CHARGE, FOCUS on your overall well-being and growth. Be INTENTIONAL about everything.

You can do this.

Expect great things.

Happy New Year, xoxo Enna 🙂

